Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Pakistan: The Mis-perceived Nation

 I am really confused as well as shocked about the misperceived image of Pakistan within the region as well as globally. When word Pakistan is listened some notions come to the mind immediately. A corrupt and terrorist…..Poor and Uncivilized….women are treated as slaves and animals….streets are full with drops of blood…. Masjids have turned into bloody battlefield… The army is standing everywhere…. People are uncultured and Suiciders…. Bullets are roaming around….Bomb blasts resulting deaths and wounds everywhere… broken and shaken society… every girl who came out will be burned by Acid…. bears gang rape… everyone either dishonest or thief/dacoit…. No arrangement of public transport and people either travel through Carts or fully depreciated buses of the 1950s… people are drinking muddy water… have never eaten packed food…no McDonald, KFC, Burger King, Subway, Munchies….no concept of any three-star restaurant…no cinema, art and music… no concrete houses and people are living either in caves or in mud houses along with animals… no washroom, cleanliness, towels and toilet papers…no water in the kitchen and wash room…no computers, games, playing grounds…no question of outing as neither there are restaurants nor parks….no news channels, sports channels and leisure channels…no schools, colleges and universities, only religious education schools where hate and terrorism are taught to destroy the world…none of the global intellectuals could be a Pakistani….none of the renowned researcher or professor could be a Pakistani…none of able doctors, engineers, accountant, businessmen and Cleric could be a Pakistani…. no concept of poetry and literature as society is illiterate…every men have at least four wives and had dozens of children and they all sleep hungry as there is no food….they grew up in ignorance and join terrorist grouped globally…hence every act of terrorism anywhere in the world is planned at Pakistani soil and executed by Pakistanis. In summary a very backward, inhuman, corrupt, ignorant, uncultured and terrorist society…. And because it is home of bad deeds, especially a danger to global civilization, hence it is the duty of any civilized men and women to perform his/r role in weakening and consequently in eliminating this society from the map of the globe. [This is the picture painted by media, globally]. In the following paragraphs, I would like to analyze (an impartial analysis) the danger, in order to present the world true circumstances, so that an uninformed action may not be taken. I address only those who are really in search of truth and I cannot convince those who want to settle a score with the Pakistani community.
Pakistani culture is a mixed culture and have reasonably vast polarization. You will find conservative as well as liberals in Pakistani society. A reasonable number of populations is practising Muslims, however, the vast majority believes in Islam as true religion (Monotheist). The Atheist would be negligible. There is a division in practising Muslims. Major division as Shia & Sunnah prevailing in Muslim societies for centuries. In Pakistan Shia are in lesser number (in fact much lesser) and Sunnah forms the overwhelming majority. During 1990s Shia-Sunnah clashes were at the peak, but 2000 onward, things have got normal. A very small community of Jamaat e Ahmedia is also present in Pakistan. Also, Christians, Hindus and Sikhs (in a very small number) are part of the Pakistani nation. However, within Sunnah Muslims, there is further subdivision as Bralvi, Deobandi, Ahl e Hadith and Jamaat e Islami. Ideologically last three are almost same while first (Bralvi) has major differences with others about the status of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Their views are a little bit influenced by Christianity (as about Jesus (PBUH)). Last three sections are more focusing upon Amal e Saleh (good deeds) to succeed in the hereafter, while Bralvi gives more importance to the reference and love of Prophet (PBUH) for success----consequently lesser motivation for good deeds. This difference is ideological while the practice is the same of almost every Sunnah sect, as far prayer, meditation and even worldly affairs are concerned. Some sections of a sect (any sect), with a very lesser degree of influence, are extremists and term the members of other sects as Non-Muslim, however, tolerance on the religious front is increasing with the passage of time and people are moving towards enlighten moderation.  Jammat-e-Islami is more tolerant than any other sect of Sunnah Muslims and tries to unite Muslims of Pakistan including Shia. In fact, Jamat e Islami is more of a right-wing political party than a religious sect of Sunnah Muslims. Interestingly except Ahl e Hadith, which is a very small minority, majority of Sunnah Muslims are followers of Hanafi School of thought. They consult juristic opinions of Hanafi school in their personal as well as collective daily matters. Hence the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis are following the same school of thought in legal issues (Islamic Jurisprudence), which is a symbol of union and society is running smoothly. Pakistan has the honour of hosting headquarters of two global Islamic movements including Jamat e Islami (the founder is Syed Abul Aala Mowdoodi) and Tableeghi Jamaat (the founder is Molana Muhammad Ilyas).
Jamaat e Islami is an informed movement of Islam and presents Islam as a complete code of life including educational, political, social and economic system. Jamaat e Islami believes that Islam has laid down principles of living for human being and laws can be extracted based on Islamic principles to run a modern society. It also believes that the government is an essential part of the Islamic system of living, hence do struggles for forming an Islamic government in Pakistan. It has friendly relations with world Islamic movements including Brotherhood (Egypt), Justice and Development Party (Turkey) and Hamas (Palestine). Jammat e Islami believes in political struggle within the democratic framework of Pakistan and discourages violence. Usually, its members are reasonably educated and an overwhelming majority has graduated from modern universities. It has a student wing known as Islami Jamiat e Talaba, very popular student organization among Pakistani universities and colleges, which serve as a nursery for membership of Jammat e Islami. It has a community service wing known as Al-khidmat, and serves the people locally as well as globally without any discrimination of race, geography, language and religion. A large number of hospitals and dispensaries are operating under Al-khidmat foundation.  Jamaat e Islami was the main supporter of Afghan Jihad against USSR during the 1980s, however, when Talibaan took over Afghanistan, the role of Jammat e Islami reduced in Afghanistan, significantly.
Tableeghi Jammat is a reform movement through the preaching of Islam. Its focus is on individuals and does not carry an agenda of politics and forming of government; which can work as a catalyst in reforms. Its focus is the hearts of individuals. Tableeghi Jammat motivates towards prayers and meditations. She believes that individuals should be reformed, so that bad deeds could be discouraged and good deeds should be encouraged. Its members are very sincere and selfless. Even if someone abuses them, they do not reply with abuse. They come out of their homes for a specific period of time ranging between three days to one year and form a Jammat to preach. They travel in different parts of the world (locally as well as globally), stay in Masjids and sends missions in markets and housing colonies to invite people to Masjid and preach the religion of Islam. As they have no agenda of reform at the community level, hence neither looking for power nor indulge in violence. Their source of funding is the pocket of their members. Every individual spent his time and money in the way of preaching and hopes reward from his Lord (Allah). A large number of them are graduates and also some of them are either illiterate or with limited knowledge. They use their preaching journeys in educating their members about prayers and meditations.  
Pakistan is a democratic country with parliamentary democracy as per the constitution. Any group of people can form a political party. Over fifty political parties are existing in Pakistan. There are two major political parties including the People’s party and the Muslim League. Then there are smaller parties including Jammat e Islami, JUI, ANP, MQM, Tehrik e Insaaf, JWP and nationalist movements in different parts of the country including KPK, Baluchistan, Sindh and southern Punjab. In the north of Pakistan, there are no nationalist voices and people think and portray their national views. PPP and PML are nationwide parties with strong membership in almost every region of Pakistan. Jammat e Islami and Tehrik e Insaaf and JUI are also national parties, however, membership is low. MQM is representative of Urban Sindh including Karachi and Hyderabad with majority Urdu speaking population. ANP has a stronghold in KPK with majority Pushto speaking population. JUI representing some area of KPK and Baluchistan while JWP is Baluchistan based party only.  Then there are regional nationalist movements representing perceived neglected areas of Sindh, Southern Punjab and Baluchistan. In Pakistan, most of the state revenues are collected centrally and distributed among provinces on the basis of a number of factors including area, development stage and population (however major weight is assigned to population). This distribution mechanism allows more funds to one province i.e Punjab which creates unrest in other parts of the country. Punjab is the largest province in population and accounts for more than half of the population of Pakistan. Punjab has a major role in forming the central government, being largest province, however Pakistani parliament consist of two houses (national assembly and Senate), and Senate carries equal seats for all provinces, hence all regions of Pakistan are represented in legislation. In the election of Senate Pakistanis are not electing senators directly, however participating indirectly through elected provincial and national assemblies. Same is the procedure for the election of the president. History tells us, Pakistanis were misrepresented by assemblies on a number of occasions; hence a change in the system is required. Senators and president should be elected by direct votes of Pakistanis. There are reserve seats for women and minority representation in assemblies of Pakistan.
Then there is a large majority of middle-class professionals, who are promoters of commonalities among various religious sects. These are not divided into sects, rather promoters of harmony in the society. They send their children to modern educational institutions including western, private English medium and government schools. Here is a brief critical detail of the educational system.
Hundreds of thousands of Pakistani professionals including doctors, engineers, managers, accountants, finance managers, IT professionals, University professors, technicians, masons, etc. are working respectably in various parts of the world including Middle East, Europe, Australia and North America. Pakistan got the Nobel Prize in Physics. These expatriates remit, after meeting living cost in their host countries, about ten Billion Dollars to their families and relatives in Pakistan annually. One of the Pakistani Universities stood first in OIC region ranking of Universities. After all, some quality education exists in Pakistan, consequently, the world got so many able workers, contributing in service of the fellow human being. While evidence suggests that the Pakistani education system is standing on a strong footing in-depth and breadth, then how it could be true that Pakistan is a failed state and corruption has eaten it. I am not claiming that Pakistan is clean, however media notions should not be taken seriously, without looking into facts. Yes, corruption is there, however, the system to catch the corrupts is there. Recently a prime minister was removed on account of contempt of court charges, as he was not opening a corruption case in Switzerland, against the head of his party, who is sitting president of the country with sovereign immunity worldwide. Where else this happened, in the region. In fact, Pakistan lacks in its proper marketing, otherwise many societies in the region as well as globally are far behind than Pakistan. Even in India, the number of people suffering in poverty and hunger is more than the total population of Pakistan.
On the economic front, Pakistan needs to do a lot as for production and distribution of wealth is concerned. During 2001-12 average annual growth is 4.5% with highest of 9% and the lowest about 2%. This is much lesser than the regional growth, however, given the political unrest within and at borders this is appreciable. It is unfortunate that Pakistan had to make reactionary policies and could not plan at its own targets. Up to 1970s, Pakistan had to fight three wars with India, then in 1980s a proxy war with USSR. During 1990s tension remained within Afghanistan among various groups and warlords. Then in the early 2000s, the United States and NATO invaded Afghanistan. Pakistan had nothing to do with Afghan-US war, however United States twisted arms of Pakistan. In fact, Collan Powel came with a straight message to Pakistan as either you are our friend (and facilitate us) or you are our enemy (and face us). This was the peak of arrogance on behalf of the US being a sole global superpower. Pakistan was unable to face the US, hence had to go in the war unwillingly. The decision to support the US was very expensive for Pakistan which resulted in above 30,000 deaths and above seventy billions US dollars economic loss. The whole country destabilized and people lost faith in society and governance. Furthermore, confidence was shaken by local, regional and international media by projecting Pakistan as the home of evil. Certainly, some countries settled scores with Pakistan by portraying a negative image of a country, where vast majority belongs to middle-class professionals including engineers, doctors, accountants, businessmen, managers, IT professionals who are duly honest, hard worker, humble and visionaries like any other counterpart anywhere in the world. much of real contributions to national growth and development are made by middle class and Pakistan has no exception.
Pakistan is basically an agricultural country and it does not mean that Pakistan should not go for large scale or heavy manufacturing. Agriculture of Pakistan is in a very good state from the 1960s onward. Pakistan has one of the best irrigation systems in the world. Although during 1960s Pakistan had to surrender water of three natural rivers coming from India including Bias, Sutlage and Ravi through Indus Basin treaty. This was unprecedented in the history of human being that people living on tales of rivers were denied from their right of using water. India diverted that water to Rajasthan province and irrigating the deserts while Pakistanis are suffering for water to irrigate their thousands of years old agricultural fields. At the time of partition head-works of canals irrigating Pakistani Punjab were included in Indian Territory. Given the anger of partition, Indian establishment blocked the water and turned agricultural lands of Pakistanis into the desert. Later on, through World Bank an agreement was signed in the 1960s which put Pakistan at loss. The argument behind was as Pakistan has much water and need can be fulfilled through three western rivers; hence eastern rivers should be given to India in full. This argument itself is very weak, as river roots are natural and Creator of the universe knows well as which area should be desert and other lush green. It was interference in natural laws. Now water of eastern rivers is used by India to reap the fruits and floods are bear by Pakistanis to ruin their crops.  What a full of wisdom and justice decision made by India and world bank with Pakistan, that rear part of cow belongs to India to have milk and front part belongs to Pakistan to feed? In spite of this unjust decision Pakistan build its agricultural infrastructure and now it has one of the best irrigation systems. Pakistan built a dam on river Jehlum and diverted water to the east, as well as build head-Maralla to divert the water of Chenab river to Ravi and Sutledge in order to compensate for blocked water by India. In Pakistan wheat, pulse, potato and rice are food staple. Pakistan meets requirements of its 180 million populations and also a large number of Afghans in agriculture products. There are three major dams in Pakistan including Mangla, Terbela and Warsik producing electricity. Initial working has been started on Neelam-Jehlam, Manda and Diamir-Bhasha for production of electricity; however, Pakistanis should understand that the proposed Kalabagh dam is must for Pakistan. It will produce electricity as well as irrigation water. A large number of acres of land could become cultivable only through water provided by Kalabagh Dam. It is a major and most fruitful water reservoir for Pakistan. Many acres of agricultural land has been used to build housing colonies and now some canals are passing trough housing colonies in central Punjab, which were originally meant for agriculture. Consequently agricultural land is reducing, while the population is increasing. Where Pakistanis are heading? This might take them back to pre-1960s situation when wheat and sugar were rationed according to family members. At that time they will not be able to feed their children with a full stomach. The only solution to an expected shortage of food, shortage of electricity and flooding is the Kalabagh dam. Sooner Pakistanis realize the better would be for them. Kalabagh dam is must… you can only delay…if you could not build your children will… because no sane generation would let the people in darkness and die of starvation. Only Kalabagh dam can store monsoon water of Pothohar region and no other reservoir can do this. Every year multi-million acres feet water is entering in the Indian Ocean after destroying standing crops in fields, housing colonies, roads, bridges and infrastructure, which can be blocked in Kalabagh dam and later on used for electricity generation and agricultural purposes. From Kalabagh dam a canal is proposed for Baluchistan to bring a large area of barren land under cultivation, which will definitely improve the standard of living in that area. People of Pakistan have misled by their local leadership on this issue and it is the prime duty of Pakistani-media to uncover the truth. Pakistani media should arrange talk shows of experts on this issue instead of showing the masses third-level leadership of political parties (more of point-scoring than debating the issues).
Pakistan has done well in defence production. Almost all sorts of needed weapons are produced locally including infantry and armed weapons. Pakistan is producing tanks, machine guns, rocket launchers, missiles and other weapons required to its forces. Pakistan has now started producing fighter plans in a joint venture with China. Pakistan is the seventh Atomic power in the world. In 1998 it has tested its nuclear capability and joined the nuclear club of nations. It is said that the Pakistani bomb is superior to Indian nuclear weapons (not sure, I am not an expert). The building of nuclear was not an easy task for Pakistan; however, the nation succeeded in getting its goal with dedication and determination. Circumstances were never favourable for Pakistan to build atomic capabilities, however, Pakistanis succeeded in achieving their goal of a strong defence. In fact, Pakistan cannot match in conventional weapons to some of the external threats, being a relatively smaller country; hence its nuclear weapons provide deterrence to external threats. Pakistan and India have a very long history of hostile relations and so far four wars (1948, 1965, 1971 and 1998) have been fought between two countries. The Pakistani atom bomb has proved as a guarantor of stability in the region. In spite of hostility and warlike environment created in India by Indian leadership at two occasions (attack on the Indian parliament and Bombay attack), however, war could not be started in India and Pakistan; and of course one of the strong hurdles in the way of war was the Pakistani atom bomb. Wars cannot solve the issues, history teaches us, and only meaningful dialogue can. India and Pakistan should have productive dialogues which address the burning issues like Kashmir, water and terrorism. Only talking on issues which suit to one party will not resolve the problem. The satisfaction of both parties is essential for a meaningful and long term execution of contracts.
Much is discussed about corruption in Pakistan, however many of corruption cases were traced, money recovered and corrupts were punished. Media is talking about the corruption of politicians without any proof. Media trial is done for politicians and in fact, politicians themselves are responsible for this trial. They tried to gain political benefit by abusing others. Take the example of the sitting president. He is the most notorious man at home as well as internationally as for corruption charges are concerned. He remained in Jail for more than ten years in successive regimes, but no one could prove his corruption so far. He has not punished so for in any case, as there was no evidence of his corruption. Some other politicians, as well as generals, were punished through Judiciary. It has become a fashion to abuse Pakistani leadership locally as well internationally without any proof.
During my visit to the UK, many of my extended meetings with British/European/Asian/American people were very productive and informative for both parties. I would like to mention one here. I met a person “R” pure Britain, on July 24th (5th Ramadhan) in a green field in front of the central library. We started the discussion from the very basic question as who we are; wherefrom we came; and where to go. Suddenly he made a question whether I believe in Darwin theory?   I explained to him that Darwin theory is not a scientific theory, it is a guess; an inference… and Darwin himself never claimed it as a scientific theory. He agreed. I further told him that I am more concerned about my destiny than coming into being. We agreed that neither modern science confirm, nor reject the existence of God, hence we cannot rely on moderation in this regard. We have to look at conventional wisdom. We can witness that a series of People (Prophets [PBUT]) passed earlier claiming that they have a message revealed by Allah (SWT) and all of them presented the same message (oneness of Allah, Prophethood and Life after death). R raised a point that religion was invented due to fear of death? But the issue is how we can get the satisfactory answer of certain basic questions, putting religion aside. My friend asked me whether Islam is the final message of the series, I said yes, as it carries more reliable information (historically) about the message as well as Messager (PBUH).
We talked about the British lifestyle and he was too very concerned about unrestricted liberty which has led many societies to the extent that they even legally accept homosexual marriages. These are the black days in human history (when the legal status is granted to homosexual marriages). This is a crime in the name of personal and civil liberties. It is a good part of modern civilization, that it imparts increased personal liberty to its members, however, it is being misused. It is also the duty of society to save its members from suicidal attempts. Homosexual marriages are equal to suicides in their results. In both of the cases, larger interest of humanity is compromised by not delivering and upbringing the next generation. My friend was really much concerned about homosexual marriages and broken family system. When I asked him about a conservative guess of broken family cases around him, his answer was shocking, as the figure was above 50%. When I asked him about the upbringing of children by a single parent, he explained that it is quite impossible to up bring a complete youth by single parent. Something lacks in kids brought up by single parents. On my inquiry as to whether England has a large majority of gays and lesbians because the legal cover for homosexual marriages was in progress and whether the majority of Britain’s like to have this law, he said unpleasantly, “it is media game to build the opinion and present minority opinion as of the majority, otherwise, neither majority of Britain’s is gay/Lesbian, nor they want this law"
We talked about Pakistan in detail. We covered issues like separation of East Pakistan, unrest in Karachi, war on terror etc. He was a very knowledgeable person doing master in history at the age of 42. Earlier he served as a teacher in Canterbury and Morocco.  Our analysis was that Karachi is suffering due to overpopulation and ideally population of a city should not increase from a certain limit keeping in view available amenities. He was very curious about Lahore and I updated him about living-heart Lahorites. We discussed my home town (Islamabad) which is very much comparable with Canterbury as far terrain and greenery are concerned. The difference is, Islamabad has wider roads while Canterbury very narrow roads; however traffic never gets Jam in Canterbury. Perhaps it is the discipline which matters.
We talked on Kashmir Issue in detail and he was well informed about its history including plebiscite and Indian unwillingness to solve the issue. We covered the Issue of Afghan unrest, refugees and the role of Pakistan. I updated my friend that Pakistanis were never let by global establishment/circumstances to plan as what they want to achieve in the next decade or so. Their policies remained reactive to global events happened/happening around them. It was not their choice to build a strong defence; they were forced by external threats to spend on defence. It was not their choice to have Nuclear Bomb (perhaps our religion dislikes the use of weapons of mass destruction), but they were forced by external threats to keep the Bomb as deterrence. Pakistani [on record] opinion was/is that South Asia should be declared an atomic-free zone because they knew that a major portion of the world population is living in this region and any mishandling of nuclear can send hundreds of thousands of human being into the fire. Pakistanis still believe that South Asians are sitting on oceans of fire as China, India and Pakistan are declared nuclear nations, while Iran is in the progress of achieving atomic capabilities. Any accident can put more than half of the world population into the fire, but in the global establishment, no one is taking this grief and concern seriously. History has proved that the Pakistani Bomb has played a major role in regional stability.
On Afghan issue, I updated my friend (although much he knew by himself) that it was not our choice to start a war with Russia and after its defeat civil war by warlords in Afghanistan. Later on Usama Bin Laden has not attempted blasts of the world trade centre, known as 9/11, [if at all he did that], by consulting us; and the USA came to the region in search of revenge. We were not interested in Usama/Taliban and USA war, but the duty taken from us by arms twisting. It never happened in the history of diplomacy that Powel (Ex- Foreign Minister of USA) came to Islamabad with a clear message as either you are friend or enemy. We were neither able nor willing to fight with the USA without any dispute among us (Pakistan & USA). However, even Britain was party to threatening Pakistan to participate, unwillingly, in the war of terror. Much is said about payment of Dollars to us, however, the world has to realize that we suffered on both fronts (economic and human lives). We suffered about 80 billion US dollars on the economic front and we sacrificed above 35, 000 civil and military lives. When we conducted an operation in the northern region of Pakistan against the insurgency created by Taliban, directly linked with Afghan unrest, our whole country turned into blood and wound through suicidal attacks. I informed my friend that I was witness to suicidal attacks in my city including Aabpara, Ketchehry, Islamic university, police lines, Roomi Masjid, Norweigen embassy road and Marriot hotel. I remembered as how I was trembling, sitting in the steering of my car, in traffic junctions, at checkpoints and Chowks, while driving in those days due to an unknown fear of prospective bomb blast. These suicidal attacks shook our society and we lost confidence in our national leadership and ability to govern. We were fighting the war of the west and some of the westerns try to portray that we were playing double games. Peace and prosperity in London and Washington is the result of blood given by Pakistanis in the streets of Pakistan which should be respected otherwise none will sacrifice for you in future. Let us open the register and check the loss of Pakistan in your war of terror and compare the compensation paid (which is much propagated); you will find the amount paid is less than ten per cent. We are getting irregular support of about one and half billion US dollars yearly, which account for less than 5% of our national budget. We can live by spending Rs. 95/- instead of 100, however, we have no intention to break up our relations with the west. We are sharing many commonalities with the west, culturally, and we expect recognition, help and respect from western citizens and establishment for our blood, sacrificed in Masjids, streets and roads, during your war on terror, resulted in peace and security of western cities, people and countries.  My friend accepted that Pakistan has paid a much higher price, perhaps no other country could go to such an extent of loss of human lives.
Islamic banking concept emerged in Pakistan and first-ever practical effort at the national level came on the surface in 1980 in the form of council of Islamic Ideology (CII) report on “elimination of interest from the economy” under the able and visionary leadership of Dr Tanzeel ur Rehman. Although respectable efforts were in progress in other Muslim countries e.g. Mitghamar (Egypt) experience. As a result of that report, which was offering a clear road map and system of the interest-free financial system at the operational level, a general awareness, as well as confidence, developed among Muslims about the practicality of Islamic financial system. Pakistan switched whole of its economy from 1985 to interest-free banking. Given the lack of trained human resource, Islamic banking in practice could not win the confidence of the public and faced severe criticism. In 1992, federal Shari’a court declared banking in practice unlawful and ordered the government to take practical steps for Islamisation of the economy.
Given the lack of vision, political will and trained human resources, the government of Pakistan shown its inability to transform the theory into practice. Government of Pakistan adopted a two-pronged strategy to respond to the decision of the higher judiciary. On one hand, the government went into appeal in supreme court through United Bank limited (in fact 62 appeals approximately filed by different organizations/individuals) and set up a commission under the able leadership of Raja Zafar ul Haq. Commission finalized its report favouring the application and practicality of Islamic banking at the economy level. Appeals against the Shari’a court decision was heard by Supreme Court Shari’a apparent bench and dismissed in December 1999. The panel of judges was comprised of Justice ® Taqi Usmani, Justice-r- Khalil ur Rehman and Justice-r- Sheikh……. In fact, the Supreme Court took the case very seriously and invited globally renowned individuals/organizations to help the court including Islamic development bank Jeddah, Prof. Khurshid etc. Court also circulated a questionnaire among renowned economists including sitting finance minister of Pakistan Mr Sartaj Aziz. Final verdict of the court was (1) existing banking system is unlawful (2) Interest-free banking is workable (3) deadline to the government for the transformation of the economy to the interest-free economic system. The decision written by Justice-r – Taqi Usmani got popularity among the experts as well as public and it is considered as the foundation for modern Islamic banking.
Justice -r- Taqi Usmani took the cause of Islamic banking very seriously and worked on many fronts. He wrote books on Islamic banking, joined the Shari’a boards of various Islamic banks, worked as Member of Islamic Fiqh Academy Jeddah, member of AAOIFI board for Shari’a standards and started Islamic banking teaching in religious school (Jamia Darulaloom, Karachi) formed by his father. He is the man among Pakistani Ulama (Clerics), who stood firmly behind the Islamic banking industry and succeeded in translating the vision into reality. He is very well known and respected scholar globally. He is another brighten star produced by Pakistani society and education system. He got his education from Universities as well as religious schools. He is now expert in the Islamic financial sector. Major contribution in his area of expertise is made by religious schools. People need to understand this brighten role of religious schools operated in Pakistan. Thousands of Ulema (Clerics) are produced by these religious schools without having any regular source of income. Their expenses are not allocated from the budget of Pakistan, but still, we are getting able leadership, making a real difference globally.
In early 2000 onward, State Bank of Pakistan started a parallel system of Islamic banking to conventional banking. Maulana Taqi Usmani was an active member of the effort. As at December 2011, the number of Islamic Banking Institutions (IBIs) reached 17 (5+12), with the branch network of 886. Total assets of the Islamic banking industry are Rs; 641 billion covering almost 8% of the local banking industry’s share. Islamic financing is growing at an average annual growth rate of above 20% in Pakistan for the last eight years, 01/04 to 12/11. 
In Pakistan, a large number of organizations and individuals are attached with community service and welfare activities (e.g. Edhi welfare trust, Alkhidmat Foundation, Shaukat Khanam Cancer research centre and Hospital, Khidmat e Khalq foundation, Chippa ambulance services, Pakistan Islamic Medical Association (PIMA), Safe children village etc). Perhaps Edhi welfare trust has the largest ambulance services globally in the private sector. At the same time, Edhi trust is providing shelter and the basic cost of living to vulnerable sections of the society including women and children. You will find Edhi homes in almost all major cities of Pakistan where children and women are living respectfully. Al-Khidmat foundation is welfare wing of Jammat e Islami Pakistan, serving people across the country. In rainy days of any segment of the society (e.g. earthquake, flood, Taliban insurgency in KPK which led hundreds of thousands of citizens homeless) Al-Khidmat foundation was on the fore front to serve the people. Many dispensaries and hospitals are managed by Al-Khidmat in various parts of the country.  PIMA is involved in medical services globally. Whether it was earthquake or flood in Pakistan, Afghan crisis, Kosovo insurgency or Palestinian wounds, PIMA was there to help the sufferers. PIMA is also a member of the Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA). Ex-president of PIMA, Dr Hafeez ur Rehman is a true Muslim and carries pain and concern in his heart and mind for grieved humanity globally. Shaukat Khanam Cancer hospital was built by another proud Pakistani, Imran Khan, globally known and fame figure. In the hospital cure to cancer patients is provided at concessional rates to the general public, and absolutely free to poor sections of society, through the amount of Zaka, alms and donations, deposited by humanity-loving citizens. Cancer treatment is reasonably very expensive; however, this is not the case in Shaukat Khanam Hospital.
Pakistanis have done well in the area of sports globally. Hockey is the national game of Pakistan, however, practically cricket has taken over the status of the national game. You will find cricket game everywhere including grounds, parks, streets and roads in Pakistan. Pakistanis are crazy for the cricket game. Pakistan has done better in the regional and global competition of cricket. Official spending on cricket in Pakistan is much lesser than England, but still, we did better than England in cricket fields. Pakistan has remained champion of almost every regional/global cricket title including world cup, T-20 world cup, Champions Trophy, Asian cup, Australasia cup, Sharjah cup, and Asian test Championship. Pakistan has won the test and one day series of cricket from almost every cricketing nation. Even if at times, Pakistan could not win a title, still performance was good. There are many global records with Pakistanis in cricket (e.g. Speed star Shoaib Akhtar was the quickest bowler in cricket, Shahid Afridi with the quickest century in one day and also the most exciting and full of thrill cricketer, Saeed Anwar with the longest inning in one day for many years, Hanif Muhammad longest test inning for many years, Imran Khan with test triples etc). Pakistan has remained Olympic champion in Hockey. Pakistan has remained continuously for ten years of British open Squash champion (Jehangir Khan & Jehansher Khan) during the 90s, a global record, yet to be broken. How one can term Pakistan a failed nation? Pakistan had three world titles in 1994--world champion in cricket, Hockey and Squash.
Technological advances in Pakistan are well parallel to any other country and even better than many countries. Pakistan is producing many tech-based products; and use of technology is very well versed in Pakistan, whether produced locally or globally.
Terrorism is the most debated and misperceived phenomenon as far as Pakistani society is concerned. Absolutely wrong perception is built in media, as if Pakistan is a promoter of terrorism, while the fact is Pakistan is the most victim of terrorism. Above 30,000 people of Pakistan have lost their lives in the war against terrorism. Has there any other country that lost such a huge amount of lives in terrorism? Wherever in the world, an event of terrorism happens, immediately links are traced with Pakistan, however, results of investigations revealed otherwise. But nobody (especially media) ever had the decency to be ashamed of their wrong propagation. This attitude creates anger and anxiety in the innocent people of Pakistan. Keeping aside the hostility between Indians and Pakistanis[5], in how much other terrorism acts Pakistanis were involved? In 9/11, the most destructive terrorism event, none of the Pakistanis were involved? In Bali bombing, none of Pakistani was involved? In 7/11 Britain nationals were involved, although they were Pakistan origin, they were the responsibility of British society…not Pakistani society. In Samjhota express coming from Delhi to Lahore, Pakistanis were burnt alive and blame was shifted straight away to Pakistan. Later on, the investigation revealed that it was done by Indian Hindu extremists.
In fact, Pakistanis are the victim of terrorism and lost billions of dollars and thousands of lives in terrorist attacks. We faced this beast of terrorism in our houses, shops, markets, streets, roads, Masjids, offices, hotels, universities and everywhere. Who was doing this? Were these Pakistanis, killing themselves and their countrymen? I have witnessed by myself many explosions (bomb blasts) in my home town Islamabad (the most secured area of Pakistan) including Aabpara (a supermarket), Ketchehry (Courts), Police line, Islamic University, Roomi Masjid, Choohar Chowk (traffic junction), Marriott hotel, where hundreds died and wounded. This was the price which we paid for being the party in war against terrorism. This war was started by the USA and allies to save their citizens at the price of Pakistanislives. We were neither willing to participate, nor it was our war. Its fruits, in the form of prosperity and security, is taken by the western world, while we (Pakistanis) faced sufferings only. Our participation was ensured through arm twisting by the global establishment and ruined our society and country. Our confidence in our society and leadership was shaken by these terrorist attacks. Our blood spilt in streets, roads, Masjids and markets, resulted in security and prosperity of the western world. Much is said about the grants and aids spent by westerners on Pakistani community, however, if you prepare the balance sheet, recovery from westerners is far less than the loss suffered by the Pakistani community.
Increased terrorism was logical consequence of western policies in Middle East and South Asia. Problem started in middle of 20th century when colonization ended in Muslim world with two burning issues, created by Britain at the time of evacuation, including Palestine and Kashmir. Both places with majority Muslim population were handed over to disliked and hated governments of Israel and India. UN resolutions about these regions were never implemented, which led to the reaction of the youth of the regions. Later on, the western world participated in the proxy war against Russia through Pakistan and after achieving the target (i.e. fall of Russia), western governments did nothing for either rebuilding or healing the wounds of Afghans. Instability rose in Afghanistan and finally, the Taliban emerged and succeeded in maintaining law and order in Afghanistan. West instead of helping them, went into non-cooperation and conflict.
At the same time, the USA and allies invaded in Iraq which led to differences between Usama Bin Laden (OBL) and the USA. OBL shifted to Afghanistan and started revenge from the USA. Was there any role of Pakistan in an escalation of conflict between OBL and USA? Whether any of the party consulted Pakistan for his actions? The answer is No and strong No. When 9/11 happened (still unclear as who did that), USA needed Pakistan once again. Pakistan was not interested in this conflict at all, but global establishment forced Pakistan to be a party. As a result, Pakistan lost above thirty thousand lives and about one hundred billion US dollar on economic front. At a time when South Asia was emerging on the global scene in economics, Pakistan was facing terrorism without any fault. The time when we could have progressed, we were let down by our so-called friends and partners. Height of oppression is that instead of having some concern for us, media started abusing us and projected us as a terrorist nation. What are the plans of global establishment about us? Do they want to finish us? What is our fault? Except; we fought your wars on our land which turned our country into living hell. We want to live a peaceful life like anybody else and we deserve that. And now’ Instead of helping us, the global establishment is punching us. What would be the result? You cannot push to the wall a nuclear nation with 180 million populations, having professional capacity better than many countries in the world. The world should realize the losses suffered by Pakistan and help the front line state in the war against terrorism (which is the war of westerners) instead of pushing us to the ground. A stable, prosperous and vibrant Pakistan is in favour of everyone, given the geopolitical strategic importance of the country. Instability in Pakistan will result in instability at regional as well as global level. Pakistan can play the role of a bridge between Muslim and western societies. USA should look in the history and trace the positive role played by Pakistan in the achievement of its (USA) goals globally. Who took the US to China? Who fought US proxy war in Afghanistan? Of course, it was Pakistan. Yes the US has done a lot for Pakistan in the past. But what about the current role?
Written in 2012

[5] which is resulted as a consequence of outstanding issues, especially water and Kashmir

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