India: Secularism is The Only Option
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The Indian subcontinent is a region with one of the highest population-concentration; and one of the earliest civilisations in the world. The term "Gold Sparrow" is rightly used for Indian-region [Pakistan, India, Srilanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan], given the abundance of natural resources including rivers and lush green fields. The abundance of living means--primarily food, clothing and shelter--has contributed to an overwhelming increase in population. According to an estimate regional population is close to 1.7 billion [above 1/5th of the global population] [] From the mid of 20th century, the region is distributed in seven sovereign states, however, the major country is India, with a population above one billion. The second is Pakistan--a nation of about 210 million people. Division of India taken place under the supervision of the British colonial regime in 1947, by the creation of a state for Muslims [Pakistan]. Pakistan was consist of two wings eastern and western. Later on, the state of Muslims further subdivided into Bangladesh [eastern wing] and Pakistan [western wing]. The Muslims remained ruler of India for centuries, hence at the time of independence and division, Muslim leadership had split in their opinion. Leaders like Abul Kalam and Sheikh Abdullah preferred to remain in Indian Union, while the leadership of the Muslim League decided otherwise. Pakistan became a religious entity, while India adopted the secular constitution. In India, there are multiple groups of people [Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians] with significant differences in worldview, customs and values.
Recently, right-wing Hindu nationalists (majority group) BJP-Party succeeded in acquiring the central power and made multiple attempts to develop India as a Hindu nation-state. This has created unrest among other communities including, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians, understandably. In the case of developing a region into a religious entity, one has to divide the region among various religious groups. None can impose his values or worldview on others. This is what exactly extremism is. India must not compare itself with Pakistan--a religious entity-- because Pakistan was created and united the multiple regions in Pakistan through a religious appeal. While India is a union of residents with varied worldviews and values. Only secularism can keep India united. Any effort to make it a religious state [even if Hinduism the religion of majority] is doomed to further division based on religious lines once again.
Written in 2020
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