Islamic finance assets world-wide continued a long run of growth to reach an estimated $1.45 trillion in 2012. UKIFS’s findings show that Islamic finance has shown resilience at a time when the global economy has slowed and conventional banking in Western countries has been under pressure. By contrast global assets of Islamic finance have doubled since the start of the economic downturn.
The UK continues to maintain its position as the leading Western provider of Islamic finance with assets of USD$19bn. The UK also benefited from a globally buoyant sukuk market in 2012, with issuance up two-thirds to USD$139bn. This was reflected in 14 new sukuk listings on the London Stock Exchange since 2012. There are now 49 sukuk bonds with a combined value of $34bn listed on the London Stock Exchange. Additionally, seven exchange traded funds and two exchange traded products are also listed on the London market.